Sunday, October 24, 2010

Chili, our greatest analogy.


Let me give you a slight preface for this post. About, two weeks ago I was talking to Sydney Lancaster about some problems i have been having when this analogy came to mind. It came so easy to me. I hope you enjoy.
            (Chili can represent anything, life, love, friends, dreams, family, relationships. Anything!!)

So you decide you want some Chili. You are very excited to make it and eat it. So you head right to the store. Your are at the store, and that is just a pain in the ass. You hardly even want to be there, but know the outcome will be great, so you keep chugging through. You get home, and start chopping the onion and just start crying. At that point you are seriously just considering throwing out the whole idea because it hurts so bad. Then you put all the ingredients in the pot, and literally have to wait forever. It takes so long you don't even know if it is going to be worth it. You finish the chili and put it in your mouth, at that moment you realize that all the pain was worth it. That this is the best damn chili you have ever had in your mouth. Ever.

           Because i can relate this topic to so many things, i just want to say, that through anything, life gets better and the we need to be grateful for the beauty that surrounds us. By opening up the door to opportunity you are bettering the chance that life is going to improve. Having the chance to be happy, is something that nobody can take away.

If you are determined to do something, or become someone, then you have nothing stopping you. You are the master of your own destiny.

Never Lose Sight Of The Goals- For Today
Keep your head up high
And never lose sight
Of the goals.
We will never give up.
(Never lose sight, of the goals within us)
We will never give up
And He will never back down.
Seek and live everyday
To never worry what he'll say.
He will never back down.
It's not ours, to decide.
Shake it, move.
In the end there will be no doubt.

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"When we love, its isn't because the person's perfect, its because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly. We embrace their everything." - Rachel Maretsky