It becomes something in this world, that is ultimately inevitable. Without a doubt, there is no way we cannot change. We cannot control it, at all. But what we CAN control, is how we change. For the positive or for the negative. How people view these changes, is up to them. If people don't like the person you are becoming, you have two options. Stop being yourself, and change for what the world wants you to become, or you can continue doing what you think is right. Being yourself is your choice. Either you can be yourself, or not. But in the end you need to do what makes you happy. You need to live in the moment, and be here now.
A lot of things factor how you change, and what you become. The people your surround your life with, the things you do with it, how you act around the people who inspire you, and how hard you try. I feel like high school has changed my friends. Some for the better, and some, for the worse. I wish I could change the way they are becoming, but I know i can't. They are who they are, and I am who I am. But in the end. We are who we are, and this is our life, and this is our chance to become whoever we want to be.
We Are the Reasons - We Came as Romans
I plead to change my life, just before I dream and wake to realize the CHANGE is inside me.
I think what the real phrase should be is "But in the end you need to do what makes the Lord happy." Because if you do what makes the Lord happy then you will ultimately be happy yourself. I love your blog. Keep posting.